Friday, December 26, 2008

And the finished product...

Pleased as punch with this one. I rediscovered "shading". It's amazing what we carry with us from our teachers. The bad as well as the good. The fact that I barely ever create values with pencil. It's a left over from my high school art teacher turning down her nose at my natural style of drawing. Never too late for some teenage rebellion! I'm looking forward to exploring it.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Card

I should just start calling this my Holiday Drawing Blog. Here's the new one in progress.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My version of giving back

Looking back, I think one thing that my year lacked was enough volunteerism. The economy took a dive, my concentration on pounding the pavement to compensate doubled and giving back to my community suffered.
I hope to be able to find a better balance in 09 ( yikes! 09 already).
But in the mean time I volunteered to do the program for my church, Our Lady of Grace in Hoboken, Christmas pageant. I have fond memories of my starring role as unnamed head angel at my childhood parish back in RI...and not so fond memories of being passed over as Mary not one but TWO years in a row.
I guess that's what happens when your mothers not in charge of the show.
I joke, I joke! Sort off. :)
Here's the program cover in progress.